Event Schedule:
Race Day Check In - 6:00 AM
50K Race - 7:00 AM
Half Marathon Start - 7:30 AM
This race will take place in the Daley Ranch area, with the Start/Finish line for all distances at the Dixon Lake Picnic Area.
The 50K will run a 25K loop two times, that will have 3,159’ of gain (963m) per loop, which is 6,318’/1,926m total for the course.
The half marathon will consist of a single loop with 2,706’ of gain (825m).
There will be three fully stocked aid stations available on this course.
On the 50K Course
Aid Station 1 - La Honda Aid Station @ 5.4mi & 21.25mi (8.7km & 34km)
Aid Station 2 - Cougar Pass Aid Station @ 10.8mi & 26.3mi (17km & 42km)
Aid Station 3 - (Start / Finish) Dixon Lake Aid Station @ 15.5 & 31.1 miles. (24.9k & 50k)